Installation Process



The installation process starts with determining the type of concrete you have depending on its Hardness, Moisture Content, and Structural Condition. Each of these variables contributes to how we approach the next and most important step.


To give us the best adhesion possible, we utilize either a Blastrac shot blasting equipment or a Lavina diamond grinder to create an extremely course and porous surface and to remove any weak or deteriorated concrete.



Surface Repair

In the case of many floors, we have to use special menders and fillers in order to fix any pits, cracks, and/or spalls that are present in the existing concrete floor. After the preparation process, we use a diamond grinder with a V-blade to open up and abrade both sides of the crack, or the shot blaster clean and remove weak concrete. This gives the damaged area a course profile for our repair material to bond to. Next we mix our mender material and overfill the crack. When the material is fully cured (typically seven to ten minutes) we grind the overfilled material flush with the concrete surface. This leaves the floor smooth and level. Finally, the repair process is concluded by vacuuming the floor and using a leaf blower to flush out any remaining debris.